Acorns To Oaks

An Early Childhood Academy
Parents Are Important To Us!
As we are an extension of your child's home-life, Acorns to Oaks offers many ways for parents to be involved in our program:
  • Posted Daily Schedule
  • Open Door Policy
  • Daily Communication
  • Monthly Newsletters
  • Parent/Teacher Conference

Welcome to Acorns To Oaks

Our Mission

We believe in respect and dignity for every child. In meeting their needs, everything we do must be of the highest quality.

All activities are process orientated and developmentally appropriate.

Teachers, children and parents work together cooperatively and respectfully to meet our goals.

We value and respect everyone's individuality and the unique contributions that they make to our program.

We are responsible to our employees, and recognize their role in helping to build and maintain our culture.

We are mindful of our employee's need to balance work and life.

Our employees are a part of our team and we welcome their comments and suggestions.

We are financially responsible to both our clients and our employees and are committed to providing the highest quality care for our children, an exceptional work environment for our faculty and a financially sound corporation.

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